The super.AI Data Program Builder [beta]


Beta release

The super.AI Data Program Builder is a beta release. Found a bug? Want a feature? Let us know.

The super.AI Data Program Builder [alpha] is a Python SDK that lets you create your own Data Programs. This section of the documentation contains the following:


To install the data program builder, you need the following:

  • A super.AI data programmer account
    • If you don’t have a data programmer account, please contact us to create an account
  • Python >= 3.6 and < 3.9. Python 3.9.1 is not currently supported.
  • Java JRE installed. To verify if you have Java installed, run java --version. If you don't have it installed, follow the relevant installation instructions:
  • If you are a Windows user, you will need to install Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)



Super.AI data programmer account required

If you don't have a data programmer account, contact us to create an account.

After you have received confirmation of your data programmer account, reset your password.

  1. Create and activate a virtual environment (we recommend using pyenv-virtualenv or conda)
    • If you're using conda, run conda install -c conda-forge pycryptodome
  2. Run pip install --upgrade pip==20.1.1
  3. Run pip install "awscli"
  4. Run pip install --upgrade "superai>=0.1.0.a1"
  5. Run superai env set -e sandbox
  6. Run superai login -u {user_email}
  7. Enter your password
  8. Verify that the pip was configured correctly by running pip config get global.index-url. If the response is empty then run superai login --show-pip -u {user_email} and copy/paste the pip config set... command as indicated.
  9. Install superai in data programming mode. Run pip install --upgrade "superai[dp]>=0.1.0.alpha1".